QUIET TIME (Listening for Vehicle Problems)
July 28, 2019
Everybody's got friends like this. You know, the kind who, the minute they get in their vehicle and turn the key, the sound system is deafening. They just love to hear that music, sports, news anything but the sound of the vehicle itself. And maybe you're that person, too. Here's something to ... More

Right or Left? Gary Knurek GoodYear Power Steering Service
July 21, 2019
Have you ever driven a vehicle without power steering? If you have, then you probably appreciate how much easier it is to drive today's modern vehicles. Before power steering, all of the force to turn a vehicle had to come from the driver's arms. That's why old cars had such large steering wheels... More

Road Trip: Be Ready for Anything with a Trip Inspection at Gary Knurek GoodYear
July 14, 2019
Road trip, anyone? Nothing spoils a great vacation faster than ending up stranded on the side of the road or spending a week in a rundown motel while our vehicle sits in the shop. Long days on the road can bring out the worst in your vehicle, so before you leave, prepare it for the journey by ge... More

Automotive Tips from Gary Knurek GoodYear: Making a Battery Last Longer
July 7, 2019
One thing all Troy drivers can do to extend the life of their battery is to keep it clean. A greasy, dirty battery holds in damaging heat. Same goes for removing corrosion from the terminals. Gary Knurek GoodYear can help maintain your battery.Allowing your battery to be deeply depleted like fro... More