Fuel Saving Tip: Alignment for Your Troy Vehicle
March 31, 2019
Imagine you've left Troy and you're up in the arctic on a dog sled.Your dog team is pulling straight and true. You can cover a lot of ground quickly. Now imagine what would happen if one or two of the dogs wanted to go their own way and were pulling off to the side.That would slow you down. You w... More

Exhaust Service at Gary Knurek GoodYear: Passing the Smell Test
March 24, 2019
The exhaust system on a vehicle is more complex than most Troy residents realize. It contains everything from old-fashioned pipes and clamps to sophisticated computers and sensors. All Michigan folks know a properly functioning exhaust system is good for the environment, but sometimes we forget ... More

Bad Vibes
March 17, 2019
Your vehicle has a way of letting you know when something's wrong. Consider a vibrating steering wheel. It certainly didn't do that when it was new, so that shake is trying to tell you something. There are a few things that can cause your steering wheel to vibrate as you drive down the road. One... More

Wipe Out! New Wiper Blades for Troy Drivers
March 10, 2019
When people in Troy talk about vehicle safety, they think of tires and brakes. But do we think about our windshields? Isn't the ability to see a prime safety factor when it comes to driving around Michigan? Yet we often don't even notice our windshields until we can't see through them or our wip... More

Distracted Driving
March 4, 2019
When asked, most people think they are good at multi-tasking. Scientific studies, however, reveal that only around 2% of the population can truly demonstrate the capacity to effectively multi-task. For the rest of us who are not so biologically wired, no amount of practice can increase our effect... More